Harry Moppett - Research Tasks and Evalution


Opening sequence analysis-

The disappearance of Alice Creed (2009) was directed and written by J blakeson, the 3 main characters of the film are played by Martin Compston, Eddie Marsan and Gemma Arterton.

I have chosen to analyse this film, as i believe it has given me and the group inspiration for our opening sequence and also shots and pace of editing. The main reason why i think the film as really inspired us is due to the film being made by English people, also independently and the low buget. i believe this really inspired us to create a similar british independent film.

In the first 2 minutes the pace of the editing is very fast also with fast and sharp cuts. this is used to create a fast pace to the scene and film, but also to signify to the audience the speed in which the events and action is going to fold out in through out the film. This is also represented by the fast tracking shots and fast tempo percussion sound.

When the scene first starts there is a low-angle tracking shot of heathrow car park which creates a sense of movement and builds suspense. Once this darked clothed man is in the mis en scene we see him breaking into a white van this creates juxtaposition as a man who is involved in crime and is 'dirty' and 'dark' is breaking in to a white van which represents purity and innocense. There is also a low-angle close up of the main antagonist, this signifys that he is the more dominiant antagonist of the pair.